Monday, October 15, 2012

We talked about having two blogs, one for personal updates and one for ministry updates. But decided against it for two reasons: one, i have a hard enough time doing one, never mind two! And also, where would one stop and the other begin? The sacred is just as much a part of who we are as the temporal, as they are in the life of every single person on earth. Whether or not you believe it, you are part of a larger story, that started before the beginning of the earth and that will continue after its end. but i digress.
  • We had a get together last week at church, and open to the community, to share more of our story, and more about what missionary pilots do. Some people will choose to partner with us because they know and love and want to support us; others will do so primarily because they are passionate about missionary aviation, church planting, medical missions, Africa, or any number of reasons that have nothing to do with us personally. We are humbled and excited as God brings people to us to join this team that He is putting together. This meeting was a good chance to answer questions and share specific practical details, like where does the money go, where will you live, what kind of planes will you fly, are you taking your children with you? (just kidding. we didnt get that one again. but i love it, i just had to stick it in there! ;-)
  • This weekend, Patrick and I are going to worthington, minnesota to check out our new (temporary) home. We will get to tour the airport, learn more about Patrick's job, see the house we will live in, and most importantly, meet the Proclaim Aviation team. They have already been so helpful and we are excited about being a part of Proclaim.
  • In November, we have our first speaking engagement scheduled (other than our own church.) Some friends from college that live in Oklahoma invited us to come for their missions emphasis Sunday, and we are thrilled to do that.


  1. Excited for you to see your new home!

  2. It's so exciting to watch your missionary journal unfold! Can't wait to see how God will work through you!
    Kimber W. :)

  3. Just Googled it! Worthington is 5 hours from Cedar rapids (where we'll be visiting Jonathan's mom) and 4 hours from Ames (where we'll be visiting friends of his). Mark your calendar for summer 2013!!!

    1. yes! awesome! you have to see the big picture when you're working on these long distance relationships, right? a year and a half? sure, let's set a date ;-)

  4. Replies
    1. enid. and possibly later on in the fall, broken bow. where are you again?
